Privacy Policy for the mobile game "Button."

1. Information Collection:

The game "Button." does not collect any personally identifiable information from its users. No data such as email address, name, age, location, or any other personal information is required, stored, or used by the game.

2. Advertising:

The game "Button." uses the Unity Ads service to display advertisements to users. Please note that advertisements may be based on non-personal information, such as the game's content or contextual information, and do not require the collection of personal data.

3. Cookies:

The game "Button." does not use cookies or similar technologies to track user behavior. Storage and Protection: As no personal information is collected, there is no sensitive data to store or protect. The game "Button." is designed not to record any personal information from users.

4. Information Sharing:

Since no personal information is collected, there is no data to share with third parties such as advertisers or business partners.

5. Updates to the Privacy Policy:

In the event of any changes to the privacy policy, a notification will be displayed when the game is launched after an update. Users will be informed that the privacy policy has been changed, and a button will redirect them to the relevant page to review the details.

6. Minors:

The game "Button." is not specifically intended for minors, but there are no special provisions regarding underage users. Minors can play the game without providing any personal information.

7. Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy policy of the game "Button.", please contact us at the following email address: